Franchise Dispute Resolution
Despite all best efforts, there may come a time during a relationship between a franchisee and franchisor where they may not see eye-to-eye on an issue. Although disagreements in franchises are rare they do occur, the easiest and most effective way to come to an understanding is with the help of a specialist law firm such as Gibson Sheat.
Franchise disputes come in many forms, maybe you don’t agree with how advertising dollars are being spent, or you feel that the new menu items being introduced are not going to work in your area. Maybe a franchisor is asking you to invest a large amount of money in upgrading the property, these could include improvements or equipment you simply do not have the budget for. Whatever issues may come your way, these disagreements can usually be resolved with the use of an experienced mediator, if not, then having legal the right legal team on your side can make all the difference in court.