Former Leader of the Opposition and Cabinet Minister Andrew Little has transitioned from the halls of Parliament to the world of legal consultancy.
General Interest
Work or Special Licence, otherwise known as a Limited Licence.
If you have been disqualified from driving, you may be eligible to apply for a special licence or work licence, otherwise known as a limited licence.
Alternative Dispute Resolution Series: Negotiation - How can it help you?
Alternative Dispute Resolution (“ADR”) methods are an alternative option to going directly to court. They are commonly more cost effective and may take less time to resolve the dispute. This article is the third and final article in our ADR article series and will focus on negotiation.
Alternative Dispute Resolution Series: Arbitration - How can it assist you?
Alternative Dispute Resolution (“ADR”) methods are an alternative option to going directly to court. They are commonly more cost effective for the parties involved, and may also take less time to resolve the dispute. This article is the second article in our ADR article series and will focus on arbitration...
Alternative Dispute Resolution Series: Mediation
Alternative Dispute Resolution (‘ADR’) is a collective term that describes a wide range of processes used to resolve civil disputes. They are an alternative to the more traditional means of resolving disputes by way of litigation.
The Harmful Digital Communications Act - Cyberbullies Beware
The Office of the Minister of Justice, in its 2013 paper responding to the Law Commission’s Ministerial briefing paper on cyberbullying and other forms of digital harassment, concluded that this modern form of bullying and intimidation has devastating effects on people and more should be done to deal with it.
Defamation - The Defamation Act 1992 | Gibson Sheat
Defamation claims have been a topic of interest lately with high profile figures such as Chris Cairns and Judith Collins taking legal action against attacks made on their reputations. A brief summary of defamation law in New Zealand and the main points you need to pursue or defend a defamation claim are set out below.