
Cody Houlahan
Published on

If you have been disqualified from driving because of a traffic conviction or excess demerit points, you may be eligible to apply for a special licence or work licence, otherwise known as a limited licence. Gibson Sheat has obtained limited licences for a wide array of clients in the past.

Am I eligible?

A limited licence allows you to drive for a particular purpose, such as your employment or supporting your family. You will need to show that the licence disqualification has caused or will cause:

  1. extreme hardship to you (e.g. loss of employment, extreme financial hardship, etc.); or
  2. undue hardship to others (e.g. financial hardship for family, hardship to employer, etc.).

There are certain factors, such as a previous disqualification within the past five years, that make someone ineligible for a limited licence. We can give you an initial indication as to whether you would be eligible over the phone.

What do I need?

It can be a daunting and confusing process applying for a limited licence as there is a lot on the line. Gibson Sheat is here to assist you with that process and greatly increase your chances of obtaining a limited licence

The application for a limited licence needs to be supported by evidence of hardship (in the form of affidavits). These affidavits may be from you personally, your employer, your significant other, and anyone else who might suffer hardship as a result of your disqualification.

What about the cost?

The cost of applying for a limited licence varies depending on the individual circumstances.

There are fees that you will need to pay to NZTA (usually around $100-$200) and your legal fees, which will depend on how many affidavits you need and how complicated your application is. Gibson Sheat offers competitive rates for its services and an estimate of fees can be provided on request, these usually range from $2,000 - $3,000 for straightforward applications.

What should I do next?

If you think you might be eligible for a limited licence or you want more information on how the application process works, contact Craig Tatley on 04 974 0077 or email